BOTW – Dan Bishop

Name: Dan Bishop

Social Handle: @Design_Concussion



How long have you been growing your current beard?

Hard to say, it’s almost always around, just in different forms. Sometimes it is reduced to gigantic mutton chops then grown back to its current glory.

When were you last beardless?

I have had some form of significant facial hair for over 10 years. I have had side burns pretty much constantly since 8th grade, and beards intermittently during that time.

Do you trim your beard? How do you trim it?

I do trim my beard. My wife is a hair stylist and trims my beard with nearly every haircut.

Do you use beard products like oils, if so what brands and products?

I use whatever shampoo my wife recommends and will use Moroccan oil when necessary.

What do you do?Does your beard affect what you do?

 I am an industrial designer in a custom machine shop. My beard doesn’t have any effect on my work.