NAME: Jeffrey Bruckwicki POSITION: Co-Founder, Maker of Things BEARD CLUB: SCALPERS/BC HANDLE: @jeffreyseamster ABOUT: Jeffrey is co-owner of Nock Co., HL HUMAN, and Beard Friendly. He has grown a beard on and off, but has always been a beardsman. Being a soft goods designer he like to focus on growing a well shaped beard, built for utility. Stand tall and grow long. |
NAME: Kevin “Dollar” Miller POSITION: Co-Founder, General of Badassery BEARD CLUB: SCALPERS/BC HANDLE: @kevinmillerisawesome ABOUT: You have never met a cooler person. Kevin is co-owner of ACE Hackware, Beard Friendly and Oz Health Shop. Bearded is his natural state. Shade your eyes before you melt with lust. Beard envy is a high likelihood. |
NAME: Ezz Hassan POSITION: Lead Mustache Expert BEARD CLUB: SCALPERS/BC HANDLE: @thespindleatl ABOUT: Ezz is co-owner The Spindle ATL, a cycle-centric clothing and gear store. By day he grows mustache. Ezz = cool. |