BOTW – Scott Fuller

Name: Scott Fuller
Social Handle: @StudioTemporary
How long have you been growing your current beard?
Trying to grow it since I was 9, actually! Ok, so I’ve been with this guy for the last 2+ years. An ‘A’ for effort, right?
When were you last beardless?
It’s been 957 days since my last shave, and I’m feeling great! I had no choice in shaving it off those few years ago. So patchy…
Do you trim your beard? How?
Every couple of weeks, just to keep it looking sharp. Usually an electric razor with a No.7/No.8 guard. Precision!
Beard products?
Good ol’ shampoo and soap, usually. Once a month I do a skin/beard treatment. Gotta order more of that stuff…
What do you do?
I’m the Sole Proprietor of The Studio Temporary, an independent design studio located wherever I happen to be! Logos, illustrations, campaigns and other such things. My own line of merch, as well!
Beard affects?
People seem to think I know what I’m talking about, which is always good. And it seems I’m destined to play Red Beard the Pirate for Halloween. Or a 6’1″ leprechaun.

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