Traveling with a Beard



So you are a traveling beardsman. Traveling with a beard can be fun (aside from the smart-ass Duck Dynasty comments, see post Contact With A Beard ), but drastic weather changes can wreak havoc on that scruff.

My TDC (Travel Day Carry) varies on where I am headed…

Day trip: Beard Tamer is pretty much all that I will take with me. In a pinch, Ill just stick my face under the faucet and grab some paper towels.
Overnight Trip: Beard Oil or Beard Tamer and a Beard Comb. These two or three things are always in my overnight bag.
Week Long Road Trip: Beard Oil, Beard Tamer, Beard Comb, Mini Scissors, Shaving Cream (because hotel shaving cream is SHIT) and Razors (also hotel razors are SHIT). Be a boy scout. Be prepared. You never know when the need to impress will arise.

Climate and activity level will also play a HUGE roll in what I carry as well.

Heat: Beard Tamer, with a base of distilled water. Shape and cool.
Cold: You will most likely encounter what I call waterfall mustache and wet shirt. Not too much is gonna help you, but a handkerchief or facial covering can go a long way.
Wet: If its raining, or looks like it might, I carry a dry washcloth with me to dry out my beard and help keep my shirt dry.
Windy: Oh Chi-town, I love ya but that wind. With Split-Beard , Beard Tamer is your friend… I mean BEST FRIEND.

Anyways, I hope this helps. Hit me up in the comments and give us you tips on trips.. with beards.

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